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Hugging Push的Github市场的URL: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/hugging-push

Hugging Push项目的代码仓库: https://github.com/backendcloud/hugging-push

或者直接在Github市场搜索项目名称 Hugging Push


做通用人工智能相关的项目的开发,往往需要用到hugging face,hugging face为人工智能项目提供免费的2核cpu算力,收费的GPU算力和更多核的CPU算力。需要将项目代码放到hugging face的代码仓库,才能在hugging face平台编译运行。但一般代码都是习惯于托管在Github上,所以需要一个CICD工作流,同步两边的代码仓库。

Hugging Push实现的功能

Hugging Push 这个GitHub action 完成的事情是将Action所执行的github的代码仓库同步到hugging face space 的代码仓库。不需要手工同步,只要维护好Github一份代码仓库即可。


首先用自己的账户登陆并在Hugging Face的后台管理界面创建一个token,赋予有可写的权限并将其作为GitHub Secret。

name: Deploy to huggingface

branches: [main]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: backendcloud/hugging-push@v0.2.3
# The Hugging Face repo id you want to sync to.
# A repo with this name will be created if it doesn't exist. Required.
# The github username is not included. ex: not like this 'username/reponame', but like this: 'reponame'
# the key of huggingface_repo can be omitted. If the key is commented out, it defaults to the same name as the Github repository.
# huggingface_repo: 'ChatGPT'

# Hugging Face token with write access. Required.
# Here, we provide a token that we called `HF_TOKEN` when we added the secret to our GitHub repo.
hf_token: ${{ secrets.HF_TOKEN }}

# The type of repo you are syncing to: model, dataset, or space.
# Defaults to space.
repo_type: 'space'

# If true and the Hugging Face repo doesn't already exist, it will be created
# as a private repo.
# Note: this param has no effect if the repo already exists.
private: false

# If repo type is space, specify a space_sdk. One of: streamlit, gradio, or static
# This option is especially important if the repo has not been created yet.
# It won't really be used if the repo already exists.
space_sdk: 'gradio'

- uses: actions/checkout@v2这个对仓库的checkout的action不需要,因为这个步骤已经包含在Action: backendcloud/hugging-push 当中。