Golang标准库 container/ring


ring 和 之前介绍的双向链表 一个最大的不同是ring是一个环,没有开始位置和结束位置。所以代码实现上双向链表有区别:

  1. 因为没有开始和结束位置,就没有在开始和结束之间插入哨兵位置
  2. 没有维护列表级的信息,只有一个元素的结构体。
  3. 所以长度信息没有保存,获取列表长度需要每次算出来。
  4. 对元素的引用就相当于对整个列表的引用。


// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// Package ring implements operations on circular lists.
package ring

// A Ring is an element of a circular list, or ring.
// Rings do not have a beginning or end; a pointer to any ring element
// serves as reference to the entire ring. Empty rings are represented
// as nil Ring pointers. The zero value for a Ring is a one-element
// ring with a nil Value.
type Ring struct {
	next, prev *Ring
	Value      any // for use by client; untouched by this library

func (r *Ring) init() *Ring {
	r.next = r
	r.prev = r
	return r

// Next returns the next ring element. r must not be empty.
func (r *Ring) Next() *Ring {
	if r.next == nil {
		return r.init()
	return r.next

// Prev returns the previous ring element. r must not be empty.
func (r *Ring) Prev() *Ring {
	if r.next == nil {
		return r.init()
	return r.prev

// Move moves n % r.Len() elements backward (n < 0) or forward (n >= 0)
// in the ring and returns that ring element. r must not be empty.
func (r *Ring) Move(n int) *Ring {
	if r.next == nil {
		return r.init()
	switch {
	case n < 0:
		for ; n < 0; n++ {
			r = r.prev
	case n > 0:
		for ; n > 0; n-- {
			r = r.next
	return r

// New creates a ring of n elements.
func New(n int) *Ring {
	if n <= 0 {
		return nil
	r := new(Ring)
	p := r
	for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
		p.next = &Ring{prev: p}
		p = p.next
	p.next = r
	r.prev = p
	return r

// Link connects ring r with ring s such that r.Next()
// becomes s and returns the original value for r.Next().
// r must not be empty.
// If r and s point to the same ring, linking
// them removes the elements between r and s from the ring.
// The removed elements form a subring and the result is a
// reference to that subring (if no elements were removed,
// the result is still the original value for r.Next(),
// and not nil).
// If r and s point to different rings, linking
// them creates a single ring with the elements of s inserted
// after r. The result points to the element following the
// last element of s after insertion.
func (r *Ring) Link(s *Ring) *Ring {
	n := r.Next()
	if s != nil {
		p := s.Prev()
		// Note: Cannot use multiple assignment because
		// evaluation order of LHS is not specified.
		r.next = s
		s.prev = r
		n.prev = p
		p.next = n
	return n

// Unlink removes n % r.Len() elements from the ring r, starting
// at r.Next(). If n % r.Len() == 0, r remains unchanged.
// The result is the removed subring. r must not be empty.
func (r *Ring) Unlink(n int) *Ring {
	if n <= 0 {
		return nil
	return r.Link(r.Move(n + 1))

// Len computes the number of elements in ring r.
// It executes in time proportional to the number of elements.
func (r *Ring) Len() int {
	n := 0
	if r != nil {
		n = 1
		for p := r.Next(); p != r; p = p.next {
	return n

// Do calls function f on each element of the ring, in forward order.
// The behavior of Do is undefined if f changes *r.
func (r *Ring) Do(f func(any)) {
	if r != nil {
		for p := r.Next(); p != r; p = p.next {
  • Next, Prev, Move 三个方法分别是返回下移1位,上移1位,移动N位的元素。
  • Len方法遍历ring,逐个++,算出ring的长度。(无法像双向链表一样直接获取)
  • 关键和难点是Link方法。分同一个ring和不同ring两种情况,下面单独分析。
  • 因为Link方法既可以合并两个ring(两个ring不是同一个),也可以截切ring(两个ring是同一个),Link和Mova的方法结合可以实现Unlink操作。
  • 在调用Ring.Do时,会依次将每个节点的Value当做参数调用这个函数,实际上这是策略方法的应用,通过传递不同的函数,可以在同一个ring上实现多种不同的操作。下面展示一个简单的遍历打印程序。



package main

import (

func main() {
    r := ring.New(10)

    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        r.Value = i
        r = r.Next()

    sum := SumInt{}
    r.Do(func(i interface{}) {


package main

import (

type SumInt struct {
    Value int

func (s *SumInt) add(i interface{}) {
    s.Value += i.(int)

func main() {
    r := ring.New(10)

    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        r.Value = i
        r = r.Next()

    sum := SumInt{}

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